Bed Linens for Residence Hall Rooms

Buy online, pick it up at ISS!

Nobody wants to drag pillows, towels, sheets and comforters when moving in to Residence Halls, especially when your travel involves long international flights with extra luggage fees! We will make it easy for you if you order your bed linens online.

Making PLU Your Home

Your residence hall room will have only standard furniture and a mattress when you move in. It will be up to you to make your room feel like home! You can start exploring ideas of what you might want to add to your room here.

Keep in mind that mattresses in all residence hall rooms are size Twin XL which can make it difficult to find perfect fitting sheets and bedding at a regular store. All residence hall rooms are equipped with a bed and a mattress, but you are personally responsible to obtain sheets, pillows, blankets etc.

If you choose to have items delivered to PLU, you can either address them to yourself or to International Student Services. We recommend that you use the following address format:

Your Name
Pacific Lutheran University
12210 10th Ave S
Tacoma, WA  98447


Your Name c/o (Care Of) Int’l Student Services
Pacific Lutheran University
12210 10th Ave S

Tacoma, WA  98447
Phone Number: 253-535-7264

Let ISS know that you made a purchase online!

To access your package on the first night you arrive to campus, please fill out this form so that ISS can pick your package up at Mail Services and/or store it in our office. Deadline to fill out this form is: August 1 (for Fall) and January 15 (for Spring)

To learn more about shipping other items to PLU, please visit Shipping Items page.


Borrow First, Buy Later!

If you want to wait until you arrive at PLU to purchase items for your room, that’s okay!  There are multiple shopping trips scheduled during orientation. If you want to borrow some bed linens for the first few nights from us, please let us know by filling out this form. Deadline to fill out this form is: August 1 (for Fall) and January 15 (for Spring)

A set includes: a blanket (this is not super warm so please wear warm pajamas and maybe socks to bed), a pillow, a top bed sheet, a bottom bed sheet, a pillow case, a towel and a washcloth. It’s not fancy but it’s clean!

A borrowed set needs to be returned by 1st day of class. No need to wash them! Nice!