Pacific Lutheran University

Core Themes and Objectives

The University’s Core Themes and Objectives are designed to capture our most enduring values and commitments. The three themes are a direct reflection of the elements in our mission and the objectives express the ways in which the mission is embodied in the work that we engage in together.


Theme One: A Challenging Academic Experience

Objective 1.1:
Students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and values identified in the learning objectives for the core curriculum.

Objective 1.2:
Students achieve the learning outcomes of their undergraduate majors and graduate degrees.

Objective 1.3:
Undergraduate and graduate students will engage in one or more high impact practices.


Theme Two: A Community of Care

Objective 2.1:
Equitable outcomes for students are achieved through the on-going examination of, and response to, the differential impacts of systems, policies, structures, and climate.

Objective 2.2:
Strengthen and support the safety, holistic health, and wellbeing of the campus community in service to student learning and success.


Theme Three: A Culture of Service and Leadership

Objective 3.1:
Shared governance, rooted in Lutheran Higher Education, provides a structure and process by which the mission of the University is upheld and realized.

Objective 3.2:
Students develop and practice the dispositions, skills and knowledge needed for impactful service and leadership through curricular and co-curricular opportunities.