Silje Sandsbakk

MS in Marketing Analytics, 2023 & Business, 2022

I chose PLU because it would allow me to finish my bachelor’s degree in 3 years. I really enjoyed the international community at the school and the small class sizes.

Julie Kjorsvik

Health and Fitness Promotion, 2018

I decided to come to PLU for many reasons including, scholarship and how it works with international students. My major and the professors in the Kinesiology department is one of the best part about my experience here at PLU. They are absolutely great and kind professors.

Ida Martine Wahlstroem

Global Studies, 2018

I chose PLU first of all because of the university’s strong tie to Norwegian heritage, and I value the smaller, inclusive, and diverse PLU community where the professors know the students well and the Wang Center allows students to pursue global study away journeys. My favorite parts of PLU [have] been the Norwegian influence in the community, studying away in Taipei, Taiwan, engaging through internships, on-campus jobs, and reaching academic excellence in a thriving community!

Sindre Kjolseth

Business, 2015


[I] chose PLU since it sounded like an interesting school and it was close to Canada/Whistler.
I liked the campus a lot. Living that close to the lecture halls is great. And also having to go through cases in class. That was a new thing for me.

Linh Chloe Hagstroem

Global Studies & Anthropology, 2015


I chose Pacific Lutheran University because of the commitment to diversity, sustainability, social justice, and leadership. My experience at Pacific Lutheran University was shaped by excellent professors, faculty, staff, and all the people who work every day towards making PLU a safe and caring community. Cross-cultural influences, global events, and guest-lectures have broadened my horizon and provided different perspectives and understandings of the world that I will carry with me towards new goals. If not for the opportunities that I have been presented with, I know that I would not be the global citizen that I now consider myself to be.

Cecilie Nordby

Business, 2013


Pacific Lutheran University, har vært en lærerik erfaring så langt. Skolen er veldig liten og med et veldig bra miljø, slik at du blir en elev som blir inkludert i alt. Jeg har lært mye av mine professorer dette året. De har lært meg å ta deg jeg lærer i klasserommet ut til virkelig liv, de vil at du skal bli en skusserik, business man  og det liker jeg veldig godt. Erfaring men skole er at de alltid er her for deg når du trenger dem, uansett hva det er. Jeg føler meg hjemme selv om jeg er tusen mil hjemmefra. PLU var mitt riktig valg, og jeg er glad jeg tok det, og skal ta med meg alle erfaringen jeg har lært med videre.

Pia Margrethe Tufte

Sociology, 2009


Helt siden den første gangen jeg satte bena mine på PLU følte jeg meg velkommen. PLU har en varm atmosfære og er et svært profosjonelt universitet med uendelige muligheter. På graduation mottok jeg ikke bare et bevis på en fantastisk utdanning, men jeg satt med et enormt nettverk, en ubeskrivelig erfaring, og var klar for å bevege meg inn i et nytt kapittel i mitt liv. Har fortsatt kontakt med mange av mine venner fra hele verden, professorene jeg hadde, og har besøkt universitetet flere ganger siden jeg ble ferdig. Jeg er stolt av å kalle meg en PLU Alumni.

Megan Muravez

MS in Marketing Analytics, 2021 & Business, 2020

I love the sense of community amongst students! Being an international student especially, I’ve really appreciated the welcoming atmosphere PLU offers both new and returning students. Coming back to campus feels like coming home because I have friends and friendly faces that make me feel like a part of the community.

Solveig Roervik

English Literature, 2018

Among the reasons why I chose PLU, the nature in Washington is close to the top, as is the helpful and responsive team I was in contact with during my application period. What I’ve enjoyed most here at PLU is how small and intimate the campus community is. There is always a smiling face or an understanding professor when things don’t seem as bright. As a college student, it is easy to get caught up in a repetitive schedule but PLU has a way of encouraging students through campus events.

Otto Kierulf

Business, 2016


I wanted to study somewhere on the West coast, and the organization I applied through spoke very highly of PLU. After some more thorough research of PLU and Seattle, I found it more favorable than the other schools that were offered and decided to apply. It was the low student-teacher ratio along with the percentage of students studying a semester abroad that especially caught my attention.
I’ve had a lot of nice experiences at PLU. The small and friendly community at the school and the intramural [sports] provided some great moments outside of the scholastic environment, and everything around my semester abroad in Barcelona was very professional and enjoyable.  It’s been three great years.

Madeleine Brekke

MS in Marketing Research, 2016 & Psychology, 2015


I chose to study at PLU because I felt like it was not too big and that I would disappear in the crowd. I wanted smaller classes where I would be able to meet with my professor and they would know who I was.
The school’s familiarity with the Norwegian school systems also helped a great deal during the application process and throughout my time at PLU.

Guro Ihler



I chose to study at PLU because it seemed like a small school, with a great social environment. My best experience was with the great teachers at PLU.

Torhild L. Skillingstad

Global Studies & Chinese Studies, 2013


PLU er en relativt liten skole, noe som gjør at professorene kjenner elevene og man får mer personlig oppfølging. Det akademiske holder veldig høy standard og man får absolutt noe igjen for pengene det koster å gå der. Det skjer noe på skolen hele tiden, så man har ikke tid til å sitte stille alt for lenge. Med mange muligheter til å jobbe på campus er det store muligheter til å bli kjent med nye folk og lære mer i tillegg til skolefagene.

Inga-Lill Stenseth



I løpet av mitt studieår på Pacific Lutheran University har jeg lært utrolig mye både faglig og om meg selv. Det har vært et år jeg aldri kommer til å glemme, her har jeg fått venner for livet og utviklet min faglige kunnskap til et høyere nivå. Den faglige kunnskapen mine professorer har vist er noe jeg har sett opp til og de har hjulpet meg vanvittig til å utvikle meg som en fremtidig kroppsøvingslærer.

Are you a PLU alum?

We’d love to hear where you are now.  Admissions has developed the following survey to gather testimonials from PLU alumni, as well as find out where students work or go to school after PLU – 1 year after graduation, 5 years or even 10 or more!  You are forever part of the PLU community, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Harald-Ferdinand Antonsen Overå

Business, 2018

I ended up at PLU because of the intersection of their well-renowned business program, Norwegian legacy and [my] overall satisfaction with the Greater Seattle area. I would recommend PLU to people who are seeking a global experience, and who will utilize the resources we offer effectively. As a small school, [the] closeness with faculty/administration, exchange opportunities and business program are among the strengths of the school.

Erika Solli

Social Work, 2016


I was drawn to PLU because of the mission of service, vocation, and a global education, in addition to its location in the Northwest. My favorite part my experience at PLU was that I had the opportunity to listen to many great speakers at various symposiums and film screenings, such as during the Holocaust Symposium, Wang Symposium on resilience, a documentary on alumni from several African countries, and so forth. These speakers and the experiences they shared with us, allowed me to broaden my perspective and knowledge. I am thankful for the opportunity I had to learn so much outside of the classroom.

Julie Fardal Johansen



I wanted to be an exchange student in the States for one year. Since my college back in Norway kind of cooperate[s] with PLU, that was an easy choice for me to take because of discounts and it felt safer.

Elin Skoelt

Kinesiology, 2015


I chose PLU mostly because of the size and location in the North West. I like that it is a small school so it is easy to get to know people, the classes are small, and you get to know your professors well. The lectures are really good and the professors knowledgeable about their field. There are a lot of activities to participate in on campus such as sports, academic clubs, and other fun clubs. The campus is also beautiful with great locations for soccer, beach volleyball, slack[line]ing, and homework.

Liv Tone Otterholt



I really liked my professors, they were all funny and I learned a lot! My American roommates included me in everything, and without them, my experience would not be as great as it was.

Katrine Myhre

Business, 2011


Jeg kom til Pacific Lutheran rett etter videregaende. Har nå vært her i 3 aar og har trivdes veldig godt. Bodde pa campus foste aret mitt og flyttet ut fra campus til et hus naer campusen og har bodd der de to siste aarene. PLU har smaa klasser, der du learer a bli godt kjent med professoren din, og du faar den hjelp du trenger med en gang. PLU hjelper deg ogsaa med a forbedre deg til aarene etter college. Jeg har fatt et veldig fint nettverk rundt universitet og skal jobbe et ar i america etter graduation under OPT – Optional Practical Training Visa.