Our Middle Name
At PLU we’re proud of our Lutheran heritage. It calls for a commitment to academic excellence, academic freedom and a learning atmosphere where all perspectives on faith and reason are expressed openly.
Students from all backgrounds and religious traditions attend PLU. That ensures a vibrant, intellectual spirit takes hold on campus, where students and faculty are open to ideas, new philosophies and intellectual diversity. And, as a result, it enables students to better understand and engage the world.
It’s a great formula to ensure that you are challenged to grow in your faith, no matter who you are or what you believe in. PLU provides the type of education that not only satisfies your mind, but stirs the soul. That’s the Lutheran tradition.
Our Lutheran roots compel us to search for truth. So bring your faith, your doubt, your conscience and your intellect to PLU.
The following religious groups and clubs are organized and run by PLU students.
- Aliyah Jewish Club
- Baptist Student Ministries
- Campus Crusade for Christ
- CathoLUTE
- Church of Christ Student Ministries
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Habitat for Humanity
- Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
- Latter-Day Saints Student Association
- Muslim Student Association
- Young Life
- ASPLU Religious Relations
- RHA Christian Activities
Social Media