
You might be a Reformer if…

Reformers like you care about the bigger picture. You feel motivated to make the world a better place and are not afraid to do the work to make that happen. As a Reformer, you know it’s important to show support by listening to peoples’ needs.…

You might be a Trailblazer if…

As a Trailblazer, you are energized by trying something new. You’re bold and use that boldness to make positive change for you and others. A PLU Trailblazer inspires others by charting their own path, even if it’s challenging or different. Curious if you’re a Trailblazer…

Life Behind the Scenes of The Mast, PLU Student-led Newspaper

This year, PLU’s student-led newspaper, The Mast , is celebrating its 100th anniversary, the age close to some of the most influential national college newspapers. We have a staff of 30 people, with 11 in upper management and the rest in the Reporters & Photographers…