Summer Internships: Theatre
In high school, Peyton Noreen ’23 loved participating in theatre productions. Noreen’s passion for the stage wasn’t something they were ready to give up on when they enrolled at Pacific Lutheran University. It’s why they chose to major in theatre and why they’re spending the…

PLU Media Lab students win Emmy for documentary
The documentary Eyes Above: Militarization of Sacred Land was produced, filmed, and edited by an all undergraduate team of students. The students recorded footage in early 2020 and edited it remotely during the pandemic. Eyes Above: Militarization of Sacred Land explores how the Tohono O’odham…

PLU Student Continues Internship Despite Pandemic
Despite the challenges and uncertainty of life during the pandemic, PLU student Gurjot Kang ’21 is finding ways to build her skills and improve the community through her internship with Tacoma Housing Authority. Kang—a communication and political science double major from Auburn, Washington—was connected with…

Senior Profiles: Class of 2019 Is Making a Difference
TACOMA, Wash. (May 23, 2019 ) — Judging by its accomplishments, Pacific Lutheran University’s Class of 2019 is poised to make an immediate impact on the world — mostly because they already have done so much at PLU. Here’s a look at just a handful…
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