Q&A with a PLU Palmer Scholar
A native of Yemen, Abdulghani Mosa ‘23 became connected with Palmer Scholars while a sophomore at Foss High School. Pacific Lutheran University and Palmer Scholars have announced they are expanding their partnership to better serve students of color in Pierce County. Mosa shares with us…

Act Six scholar finds “automatic community” at PLU
As a first-generation college student, Georjina Soliai ’23 of Lakewood, Washington wasn’t certain how she would be able to afford college. While going through the college admissions process she learned about the Act Six Scholarship. Act Six is a leadership program that connects local community…

The Power of Female Mentors
College is more than your experiences in the classroom. It’s also about the relationships you build with other students. These relationships can even grow into mentorships among peers. The Sista Circle group at PLU offers that opportunity to female students. It’s a place where women…

Refracting Spectrums of Color
Nayonni “Nai Nai” Watts has autism, and she’s not afraid to be open and honest about it. “If people want to learn about autism, it’s best to learn from an autistic person rather than a non-autistic person,” she says. In January Watts debuted her student-led…

PLU named Top 10 Peace Corps producer in the country
PLU ranks fifth on the Peace Corps’ recently published list of top volunteer-producing colleges and universities in 2019. There are 14 Lutes currently volunteering with Peace Corps in countries around the world. Dr. Katherine Wiley, PLU’s Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator and anthropology professor, credits…

Alumni Profile: What makes an American an American?
This is a question Thomas Kim ‘15 thinks about often. As a newly married third-year law student with employment lined up after graduation, an activist philanthropist and an upstanding community member, Kim checks all the “American” boxes. Except for one: actually being a legal citizen.…

Beyoncé and Black Feminist Theory
Pacific Lutheran University students are people of many interests. Last fall semester, several courses illustrated how the university’s curriculum caters to those eclectic interests. One of these classes was Beyoncé and Black Feminist Theory. “Who Beyoncé is for?” is not usually a question that you…

How First Gens thrive
I am proud to be a first-generation college graduate, or what Pacific Lutheran University calls “first in the family” — someone whose parents didn’t graduate from four-year, degree-granting institutions in the U.S. Navigating college can be difficult for any student, but it’s particularly challenging when…

Partnering with Parkland
Mention Parkland, and Washingtonians tend to conjure up a slew of stereotypes and misconceptions. But to Antonio Sablan ’18 and other Pacific Lutheran University students who grew up in and around Pierce County, the area represents something much greater: home. “Parkland is resourceful. Parkland’s gritty,…

Breaking down Fences
PLU junior’s first production fields university’s first all-black cast Josh Wallace ’19 wanted to do something different for his directing debut with PLU Theatre. A creative who also dabbles in acting, music and art, the junior figured the time was right to take on a…
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