Internship Q&A: Student Gavin Ripka’s experience at Tacoma Arts Live
With a triple major, multiple internships, three study away experiences, and lots of participation in campus life, Gavin Ripka is soaking up as much as he can at PLU. We caught up with Gavin to learn more about his most recent internship experience with Tacoma…

What are the faith based opportunities on campus?
Students from all faith backgrounds and no faith backgrounds go to PLU. Throughout my time at PLU, I have seen how faith and spirituality are embraced on campus – if you want to practice or explore faith and/or spirituality, there are plenty of options! Our…

PLU students visit Oaxaca, Mexico, to learn about health care
January Term (J-Term for short), PLU’s month-long term between fall and spring semester, is when many of our students take advantage of our incredible study away options in multiple places around the world. Planned and coordinated by professors and PLU’s study away center, J-Term study…

Growing into her own: how Sarah Davis ’23 discovered her passion for plant biology
Sarah Davis, a biology major and Hispanic studies minor, began her PLU journey with the idea that medicine and health care would be the ultimate goal, but then a couple of classes focused on plant development and global agriculture grew a new passion. “I have…
PLU Honors Dia de los Muertos
Día de Los Muertos is a joyful celebration that gives us a chance to honor our loved ones who have passed and to connect with our community. This year, Ash Bechtel ’24 shares what Dia de los Muertos means to her and how the PLU…

Communications major lands job helping to create an equitable education
Kate Hall ’17 remembers the job interview that landed her in a communications role at ESD 113. It was memorable — but not necessarily in a good way. “I was so nervous,” she remembers. “My internet died during the Zoom interview.” She was prepared to…

Karen Marquez ’22 aspires to help her community through her studies
Karen Marquez ‘22 is a senior social work major with minors in Hispanic studies and criminal justice. Marquez is a heritage speaker of Spanish, and has a deep love for languages, culture, and diversity. She hopes to use her degree and the skills she is…

Student-athlete shares how PLU has impacted his life
Student-athletes at PLU earn how to build on their teammates’ strengths, overcome failure and achieve collective goals. We spoke with Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) officer Connor Lemma ’23, —who is also a philosophy and Hispanic studies major —about the impact athletics has on their development…

Act Six scholar gained confidence to study abroad
Andre Jones ’22, of Tukwila, Washington, stays busy with his leadership roles in campus clubs and the Act Six program. Founded and run by the Tacoma-based nonprofit Degrees of Change , the Act Six program identifies and rewards scholars who are passionate about learning, eager…
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