Major Minute: Mathematics

As a student in PLU’s Mathematics Program, ancient principles merge seamlessly with cutting-edge techniques, equipping you with the skills needed to comprehend and contribute to the latest developments in mathematics and statistics. Every course will empower you with the knowledge and insights essential for success…

From Oxford, England to Oaxaca, Mexico, Jackie Lindstrom ’23 uses math to understand migration

Recently, chemistry major Jackie Lindstrom found herself in Oxford, England, conducting a series of informational interviews with public health representatives from Oxfam and the International Organization for Migration, a United Nations advisory agency that promotes international cooperation on migration. Traveling under a Wang Center Research…

International Honors Program builds a ‘Starship’

On day one of PLU Professor of Mathematics Daniel Heath’s Designing a Starship class, students have no idea what they have signed up for — and that’s exactly how Heath wants it. The course is part of PLU’s International Honors Program (IHON), which means it…