Around the PNW: Rock climbing with PLU Outdoor Rec 🧗♂️
Luke Van Tassel ’24 joins PLU Outdoor Recreation on a weekend rock climbing adventure in Vantage, Washington. Outdoor Rec is Pacific Lutheran University’s wilderness adventure club. They lead trips each weekend to scenic places around the Pacific Northwest. They also rent adventure gear out to…
Advice for first-year students: Build a support system
Megan Barnhouse ’23 shares her experience as a first-year student and offers advice to future students.

Sarah Saavedra ’22 shares her experience as a first-gen college student
Sarah Saavedra ’22 is a social work major with a minor in psychology and a certificate in Peace Corps Prep. The Auburn resident is the first in her family to go to college. She credits her many scholarships for navigating college as a first-year student.…
International student finds home away from home
Ricky Haneda ’22, a Japanese international student, share his experience at an American international school in Japan, how he decided to attend PLU, and how PLU has shaped his path toward a psychology major and a career in mental health and wellness. Keep reading to…
What’s in our room? With Leanne Emmi ’25
Leanne Emmi ’25 walks us through her room in Harstad Hall, to show how it’s organized to be a comfortable place to study, hang out with friends, and enjoy the view. Harstad Hall is the most historic building on campus, named after Bjug Harstad, PLU’s…
Around the PNW: Students hike to Cherry Creek Falls
Join Luke Van Tassel ’24 and friends as they head to Cherry Creek Falls. Follow the PLU Tik Tok to see more adventures from our students!
Around the PNW: Students head to Seattle for a concert
Join Luke Van Tassel ’24 as he heads to Seattle (only 45 minutes from campus!) — to see a Billie Eilish concert. Follow the PLU Tik Tok to see more adventures from our students!

How the PLU community is addressing mental health
Walk across campus and you can see the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic everywhere. Masks on faces, signs reminding you to wash your hands, restrictions on classrooms and more. But the pandemic hasn’t just caused physical changes, but also unexpected mental challenges. And that is…
Hear from ASPLU Leadership
ASPLU President Cece Chan ’23 and Vice President Naomi Atnafu ’23 share their experience of being the first women of color to lead PLU’s Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University.

Q&A with RHA president Hezekiah Goodwin ’22
The PLU Residence Hall Association, or RHA, brings students together for social events, community forums, and to advocate for residence hall-related issues. RHA president Hezekiah Goodwin ’22 thinks of his role in building a vibrant student community as a campus vocation. We met with him…
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