In their own words: Current students on studying biology at PLU
Why biology at PLU? “There has never been a dull moment with this major. Whether it be in lecture or during a lab, I know I will gain knowledge and experiences that will only uplift my time at PLU. I will be honest, it can…

Henri Coronado-Volta ’23 discusses his global studies major, studying away, and his plans to attend UW’s Public Health Epidemiology program
Henri Coronado-Volta grew up in Seattle, Washington, and chose PLU because the smaller school offered the opportunity to build community, a chance to continue swimming, and living close to home—but not too close. He double majored in global studies and Hispanic studies and minored in…

From Oxford, England to Oaxaca, Mexico, Jackie Lindstrom ’23 uses math to understand migration
Recently, chemistry major Jackie Lindstrom found herself in Oxford, England, conducting a series of informational interviews with public health representatives from Oxfam and the International Organization for Migration, a United Nations advisory agency that promotes international cooperation on migration. Traveling under a Wang Center Research…

Growing into her own: how Sarah Davis ’23 discovered her passion for plant biology
Sarah Davis, a biology major and Hispanic studies minor, began her PLU journey with the idea that medicine and health care would be the ultimate goal, but then a couple of classes focused on plant development and global agriculture grew a new passion. “I have…

Kara Atkinson ’23, transfer history major and former military linguist, on her PLU experience
Kara Atkinson ’23 earned an associate degree while serving as an Arabic linguist in the United States Army prior to her arrival at PLU. A history major with minors in religion and Holocaust and genocide studies , Atkinson’s passion for research, academia, and higher education…

Psychology major Stephanie Aparicio Zambrano ’23 on her internship & student experience
Once a major in communication, Stephanie Aparicio Zambrano ’23 found burgeoning success turning her advice-giving prowess into a future career path. Zambrano found her calling in working with college students as an intern in PLU’s Dean of Students Office. There, she learned the importance of…

Biology class participates in research project
Beautiful mutants: a PLU biology class harvests for the future About two years ago, PLU professor Neva Laurie-Berry partnered with a world-class plant research center. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Mo., sends Laurie-Berry’s BIOL 358 Plant Physiology class millet seeds with…

Quan Huynh ’25 Discusses her Internship at the Washington State Senate
Pre-Law Club President Quan Huynh ’25 unexpectedly stepped into the world of state government, with a bold new perspective. A self-described political newcomer, Huynh proudly represents PLU in Olympia as an intern at the Washington State Senate. As a member of Sen. Manka Dhingra’s (D-45)…
Study Away in Trinidad & Tobago
Over 130 students studied away in eight different locations (we call it ‘study away’ instead of ‘study abroad’) this January for January Term. Cece Chan ’23 takes us through the first week of studying away in Trinidad and Tobago.

International Honors Program builds a ‘Starship’
On day one of PLU Professor of Mathematics Daniel Heath’s Designing a Starship class, students have no idea what they have signed up for — and that’s exactly how Heath wants it. The course is part of PLU’s International Honors Program (IHON), which means it…
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