What are the faith based opportunities on campus?
A current student’s perspective

Students from all faith backgrounds and no faith backgrounds go to PLU. Throughout my time at PLU, I have seen how faith and spirituality are embraced on campus – if you want to practice or explore faith and/or spirituality, there are plenty of options! Our school’s Lutheran-rooted values and traditions allow for a welcoming place for people of all kinds of different backgrounds.
Friendships with people from diverse faiths have sparked meaningful discussions for me. A common value we share as community members of PLU is embracing diversity, including faith diversity. For example, Diwali and Ramadan celebrations are held on campus, along with Christmas celebrations.
PLU’s Pastor, Rev. Jen Rude, is a key figure in fostering spiritual growth. Pastor Rude leads Campus Ministry, and plays an important part in spiritual growth on campus, allowing us students to thrive in our own faith. I’ve found that my faith has grown most when I am around students like me who are curious and eager to learn about our faith and why it is important to our identity. YoungLife is a group on campus where students can find their identity and embrace it with the help of mentors and like-minded community members. I’ve also been involved in a group called Ignite, which has given me another source of community to turn to. I’ve found these groups to be extremely helpful in allowing me feel at peace with myself and my faith. Another Christian faith student-led group I’ve been a part of is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which has been a really welcoming environment and where I feel I’m part of something bigger than myself.
My experience at PLU is unique to me – we all experience life in a different way. Regardless of your faith and your identity, however, one thing that we students share in common at PLU is the acceptance of our community and support we have for each other, wherever you are in your journey’s path!
Written by: Hiro Nagahama-Sequera, Admission Communications Intern

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