You Ask, We Answer: I’m undecided on my major, so should I even go to college?

What do you want to be when you grow up? This is the question that almost every student gets asked, especially once they hit their senior year of high school. When I was a senior, I had no idea what to answer. There were so many options to choose from and I didn’t feel like any really spoke to me. I knew I wanted to go to college, but worried I was “behind” those who knew exactly what they wanted to do.
I entered college undecided because I knew that I had time to explore and change my mind. I wanted to leave college with a major that allowed me to help others on a daily basis, but I was unsure about what that major would or could be.
In my first year seminar class, our TA spoke about a friend who came into college undecided. After multiple major changes, she ended up getting a sociology major; something she hadn’t even heard of prior to entering college. Funny enough, I ended up in the exact same situation. I pursued History, English, and Secondary Education majors before finally landing on the major I received, a sociology major!
As a liberal arts school, we at PLU want you to have the time and space to explore. As part of the general education requirements, students will get to take classes in multiple different departments. As an undecided student, this is an incredible opportunity to investigate your passions, question your previous ways of knowing, and identify your vocation.
While there are some majors that require you to jump right into coursework your first semester, such as nursing and music education, most majors take less time to complete and allow for a bit of exploration. Being undecided should not keep you from attending college. Your options are even more open!
Guest Blogger: Mary Gerhardstein, Admission Counselor
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