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You Ask, We Answer: Is campus welcoming to the LGBTQIA+ community?

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A group of 5 students stand together outside on the PLU campus, slightly crouched and smiling at the camera. One is holding a small pride flag and another has a large pride flag wrapped around their shoulders.
September 8, 2023

“PLU seeks to educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care – for other people, for their communities and for the Earth.” Within that mission statement, the highlight here is “for their communities.” We recognize and value the differences and diversity of our students, who they are and what they bring to the campus community. With care in the name, we strive to ensure the safety and comfort of all students.

This campus community is definitely welcoming of the LGBTQIA+ community and we are always making active and mindful efforts to continue a safe and welcoming environment. Below are just a few of the many resources PLU offers to help educate students around an LGBTQIA+ identity and navigating through different moments of collegiate life:

Ensuring your comfortability and safety on campus is important to our entire PLU community. As a non-binary student, I always appreciated that at the beginning of all of my courses each semester, my professors made it a priority to ask the class to share their pronouns not just for the sake of doing so, but to get to know their students and ensure they were being respected and knew they were in a safe space. Although something small and simple, it definitely had a lasting impact on my ability to remain comfortable.

Of course as with anywhere, we are in a constant state of growth and learning. Our focus is to listen to our students and ensure that we can seek to provide them with improvements and necessary changes to help them thrive and succeed. By joining an LGBTQI+ centered campus community, you’ll be able to connect with others, collaborate, learn, ask questions, and share your voice with PLU.

If you’re interested in PLU’s Queer History, check out this digital exhibit.

Guest Blogger: Cady Bigelow, Admission Counselor

PLU's Center for Diversity, Justice & Sustainability