Mentoring Programs at PLU

Our 2023-2024 Mentoring Programs has concluded.

Alumni & Student Connections is excited to offer a variety of mentoring programs, where undergraduate students have the unique opportunity to connect with accomplished professionals who have graduated from our esteemed institution. These mentors, who have already made significant contributions to their respective fields, guide students in setting realistic goals, honing their skills, and navigating the complexities of the professional world. By leveraging the expertise and networks of our alumni, our mentoring programs aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry, empowering students to become well-rounded professionals capable of making a positive impact in the communities they serve.

The goals of our mentoring programs are to:

  • Foster Meaningful Connections: Establish authentic relationships between alumni mentors and students, creating a supportive environment for guidance and advice.
  • Provide Career Guidance: Alumni mentors offer valuable career advice and insights to help students make informed decisions about their academic and professional paths.
  • Develop Professional Skills: Enhance students’ professional skills through guidance on networking, resume building, interview preparation, and professional etiquette.
  • Expand Professional Networks: Facilitate networking opportunities with alumni mentors and industry professionals to broaden students’ professional connections and opportunities.

To learn more about the current mentoring programs that we offer, read each description below.

College of Natural Sciences Mentoring Program

This mentoring program connects undergraduate students in the College of Natural Sciences with dedicated alumni mentors. This unparalleled opportunity is specifically tailored for students majoring in biology, chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering dual degree, environmental studies, mathematics, physics, and psychology. Students who join this program gain access to a network of accomplished mentors who are eager to share their expertise and guide students on their academic and professional journeys.

Design featuring flags of the world in a globe

College of Liberal Studies Mentoring Program

This enriching program is tailored for undergraduate students in a diverse range of majors within the College of Liberal Studies. Whether you are studying Anthropology, Chinese Studies, Economics, English, Gender, Sexuality, & Race Studies, Global Studies, History, Holocaust & Genocide Studies, Language & Literatures, Native American & Indigenous Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Pre-law, Publishing & Printing Arts, Religion, Sociology, or Sociology and Criminal Justice, this program is designed to support your academic and professional aspirations. Connect with a passionate alumni mentor who bring expertise and insights specific to your field of study, forming a meaningful relationship that open doors to endless opportunities within the realm of the College of Liberal Studies.

Questions about PLU Mentoring Programs?

For questions about PLU Mentoring Programs, please contact Jessica Pagel, Executive Director of Alumni & Student Connections, at

Headshot of Jessica Pagel