Recruit at PLU!
Pacific Lutheran University students are uniquely prepared to succeed in the working world, and to lead lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care. With a background in the liberal arts, students hone their skills in communication, global and intercultural fluency, critical thinking and leadership. Here, you will find students unlike any others, who care for other people, for their communities and for the Earth.
At Pacific Lutheran University, employers are reaching a talent pool that spans 32 academic majors, 51 minors, and graduate and professional programs. PLU’s smaller size of 2,600 students means that your on-campus and online recruiting efforts are being efficiently used to reach the student body.
For questions, you can contact Alumni & Student Connections at career@plu.edu.
Recruiting Services and Resources
Please see below for frequently asked information. Expand each type of question to learn more, and check out helpful links!
Posting a Job, Internship or Volunteer Position
The Opportunities Board is Pacific Lutheran University’s online job and internship board. Once an account has been created, employers can post job, internship, and volunteer opportunities for current students and alumni at no cost. Employers can login or signup by clicking here.
To learn about employer policies, please click here.
Classroom Presentations
Provided below are two types of presentations offered for employers.
Power Skills Workshops: Power skills (often called soft skills) are an essential part of approving one’s ability to work on a team and have a positive influence on furthering one’s career. Each workshop will be hosted by a recruiter, because we believe recruiters are experts in developing and recognizing skills. Workshops will begin with a brief introduction of the company and its employment opportunities, followed by a presentation on a power skill.
Information Sessions: These are a great way to showcase your organization’s career, internship, volunteer, and post-graduate opportunities. Other common topics include the types of opportunities available at an organization, the application process, resume and cover letter tips, career path insights, and career skills development.
For scheduling, please email us at career@plu.edu.
Hosting on-campus interviews
By hosting on-campus interviews, companies can streamline their connections with PLU students. On-campus interviews are beneficial because they eliminate physical barriers and class time challenges. Our On-Campus Recruiting module in the Opportunities Board will help you advertise your posting and pre-select candidates for interview time slots.
Employers can request, promote and manage an on-campus interview event through your Opportunities Board employer account, or by e-mailing career@plu.edu.
Partnering with student clubs and organizations
Student clubs and organizations provide a captive audience to promote your organization and the employment or volunteer opportunities available to students*. Contact PLU Alumni & Student Connections if you would like assistance in identifying a student club to connect with. For more information, please contact career@plu.edu.
*Student clubs and organizations are not required to sponsor an employer event, and make the final decision about who they engage with or host as a speaker.
Experiential Learning Opportunities (internships, externships, volunteering)
Our team is available to consult on developing or strengthening experiential opportunities such as internships, externships, or volunteer opportunities that benefit both PLU students and your organization. Please contact career@plu.edu to get started. Please visit the links below for more information.
Student newsletter email outreach
Interested in being featured in our student newsletter sent out by Alumni & Student Connections? Please email career@plu.edu for more information.
State Work Study information
Government agencies, for-profit corporations, small businesses, and non-profit organizations, who are not involved in political or religious activity may be eligible to participate in the State Work Study (SWS) program. Through SWS, the state contributes to the wages of work study student employees, so participating employers benefit from educated, motivated workers at a lower cost.
You can learn more about Work Study here.
The Opportunities Board is the platform employers can use to post positions. View our Off-Campus Employer Guide by clicking here.