PLU Internship Fund

Please note: The deadline for spring applications has now passed. Applications for SUMMER are due May 2nd.

The PLU Internship Fund is intended to provide financial assistance to current students participating in an experiential learning activity during the spring and summer semesters. These activities can include, but are not limited to internships, research, student teaching, and practicums.

Recognizing the inherent costs of participating in an internship, the PLU Internship Fund provides support so that students can participate in this form of learning. Students may apply for up to $500.00. Funding is to be used to supplement one’s own resources to offset the cost of expenses related to the internship, including (but not limited to):

  • Housing 
  • Transportation to and from the internship (including gas, airfare, bus pass, etc.)
  • Academic credit fees
  • Required gear (such as a uniform or work boots)
  • Program fees & books
  • Internet costs for virtual experiences
  • Lost or reduced wages due to participating in an experience

Eligibility Requirements for Funding:

  • Must be a current full-time student.
  • Internships must meet the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ definition of an internship and legal guidelines set by the Department of Labor. Other experiential learning activities will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Applicant must have been offered and accepted their position prior to submitting an application for the Fund.
  • Experiences can be paid or unpaid.
  • Experiences must occur during the term in which the student applies for funding. For example, to receive internship funding in Spring, the internship must occur during spring semester. 
  • For summer internships, the student must be enrolled for Fall semester 2025.

To Apply

The application includes a written proposal of up to 400 words. Submissions are evaluated based on how clearly the applicant explains the importance of funding to them, the impact of participating in the experiential learning opportunity, and the connections between the experience and their academic or career goals. All applications will be reviewed after the deadline.

Students are encouraged to write their applications thoughtfully. Applications must be original content created by the student using their own words.

Applications for Spring are due March 7th and will be awarded by March 21st.

Applications for Summer are due May 2nd and will be awarded by May 16th.

Final Report

Every recipient of PLU Internship Funding is required to submit a final report reflecting on their experience. This report is due at the end of the term in which you receive funding. For information about what to include, please click the button above. Upon completion, please email it to Students who do not complete the final report are ineligible to receive support from this fund in the future.

The PLU Internship Fund was made possible by the J&J Fredricksen Fund in Memory of Bill Crooks.

Please Note:

If selected, disbursement of the award will be in coordination with the Office of Financial Services.

Funding may be considered taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service. Please consult a tax professional.

International and undocumented students are eligible and encouraged to apply.


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