Retention of Programmatic Material

Description of RecordsCare of RecordsFinal Disposition
The following materials are produced by the congregation to assist its programs, promote its activity, document the life of the parish, and tell the congregation's story:

Congregation histories

Membership directories, including picture directories on computer disc


News releases

Program and training material produced by the congregation

Audio and visual materials, such as photographs of the congregation's events
All of these documents are created and may be used electronically but are preserved as paper documents. It is inevitable that hardware, software, and file formats will change. Use quality photographic paper to print out copies of pictures for the congregation's archives.Place in the congregation's archives.
The website may contain:

Promotional material

Membership directory


Podcasts, blogs, and audio visual materials

Programmatic material created by members
Because the website may contain unique information about the life of the congregation, some efforts should be made to preserve this record. The membership directory must be password protected.See if an archival site ( is collecting snapshots of your congregation website. If you find no archiving service, print out snapshots of unique web delivered material to be preserved in the congregation's archives.