Retention of Information on Congregations

Disposition of RecordsCare of RecordsFinal Disposition
Constitutions and bylaws of congregations

Articles of incorporation
Retain while current.Send inactive documents to the synod or regional archives.
Copies of property related documents of congregationsRetain while current.Send inactive files to the synod or regional archives.
Congregation insurance policiesRetain copies of current and retired policiesRecords are retained permanently by the synod.
Congregation annual reportsRetain current copy.Send inactive copy to the synod or regional archives.
Congregation statistical
If received on paper, retain current copy for 2 years.Destroy as replaced
benevolence giving
Retain while current.Destroy as replaced
Letters of call or employmentRetain the current copy. (Place the original copy in the individual’s file.)Records are retained
permanently by the
Congregation profileRetain while current.Send inactive documents to the
Congregation histories
and anniversary books

Reports of special
congregation projects

Congregation audio and visual materials

Samples of congregation newsletters

Promotional pieces

Bulletins of special occasions
There is no need to accumulate in the
synod office beyond
immediate usefulness.
Send directly to the
synod or regional
Congregation leadership directoryRetain the current year.Destroy as replaced