Vasanta Leela
Visiting Assistant Professor

Phone: 253-535-7561
Office Location:Rieke Science Center - Room 147
Office Hours: (On Campus) Mon: 9:30 am - 10:30 am (On Campus) Wed: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (On Campus) Mon - Fri: By Appointment
Curriculum Vitae: View my CV
- Professional
- RFME, Awarded the Regional Fellowship in Medical Education, Foundation for Advancement in Medical Education Research [FAIMER], Philadelphia, USA, at PSG Medical College-FRI, Coimbatore, India, 2009
- M.S., [Master in Surgery] in Anatomy, Gandhi Medical College , Andhra Pradesh University of Health Sciences, 1995
- M.B.B.S, [Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery], Gandhi Medical College, Osmania University, 1986
Selected Presentations
- 9th APSA Meet [State Conference of Anatomy], Leela.V., Saradadevi.S.S. Teacher-less’ theory classes- a pilot trial & its evaluation Poster - , At Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, AP, India Special Prize awarded by judges, for innovative excellence (2010)
- 54th NATCON (National Conference of Anatomy), Pasumarty, L.M., Saradadevi, S.S., Vijayasaradhi.K., A Pilot KAP study of I MBBS students, regarding EAMCET selection exam, Kochi, Kerala, India (2006)
- 43rd NATCON (National Conference of Anatomy), Pasumarty, L.M., Padmavathy.K., Objective ‘Spotters’ Test for Under Graduate Anatomy: Students’ Attitudinal Responses, Sewagram, MS, India (1995)
- 43rd NATCON (National Conference of Anatomy), Pasumarty, L.M., Padmavathy.K, Ispahani.D, Objective ‘Spotters’ Test for UnderGraduate Anatomy: Performance Criteria as compared to conventional Viva Voce, Sewagram, MS, India (1995)
Selected Articles
- Saini N, Leela V, Saxena D.. "Morphology of Myocardial Bridges in Human Hearts- A Cadaveric Study from Rajasthan.." JETIR 2019: 6(2): 363-68.
- Saini N, Leela V, Saxena D.. "Anatomical Multiple Variations of Coronary Arteries in Human Hearts- A Cadaveric Study from Rajasthan.." IJRAR March 2019: 6(1): 425-28.
- Sharma B, Saxena D, Leela V. . "Common coeliaco-mesenteric trunk; a rare anatomic variation." IOSR Journals: Review Report Vol. Article id: L54090, 2019:
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