Individualized Concentration
On rare occasions when a student would like to focus their studies in a direction not covered by our official concentrations, they may with the help of a business faculty member develop an individualized concentration. That concentration should include 16 semester hours of upper division electives in purposeful selection. Proposal must be made in advance and no later than the second semester of the junior year. Proposal will include statement of objectives, rationale, program of study, and endorsement of a business faculty sponsor. Requires approval of the Dean or his/her designate. At least 12 semester hours are to be taken from business courses. Only four semester hours of independent study, (if approved) may apply to the concentration. Variations on existing concentrations are not acceptable. Internship highly recommended but does not apply to the concentration.
Below is an example of an acceptable Individualized Concentration.
Individualized Concentration with focus in Global Business
- BUSA 337-International Finance (4)
- BUSA 352-Global Management (4)
- BUSA 460- International Marketing (4)
And 4 credits from the following:
- BUSA 485 or 486- Study Abroad (4)
- ECON 331- International Economics (4)
- ECON 333-Economic Development: Comp. Third World Strat (4)
- POLS 380- Politics of Global Development (4)
Foreign language study strongly encouraged.
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