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Benson Research Fellows Study Terminal Illness

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Image: Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

July 6, 2018

By Michael Halvorson. 

Each year, the Business and Economic History program at Pacific Lutheran University awards summer research fellowships for innovative work that aligns with the mission of the University.

Sarah Cornell-Maier, PLU Benson Family Research Fellow

Sarah Cornell-Maier, Benson Fellow

In 2018, a student-faculty research team led by Sarah Cornell-Maier and Mark Mulder are looking for community help to study the experiences of those touched by terminal illness.

“Terminal illness has touched our own family members and friends,” Sarah stated, “and we feel it’s important to better understand the experiences of those touched by a terminal illness and to help provide resources in this important area.”

Sarah Cornell-Maier is a Psychology major and Innovation Studies minor who has taken classes in PLU’s Business and History program.

Cornell-Maier is working in collaboration with Dr. Mark Mulder, a Professor of Marketing in the School of Business and an adviser in the Innovation Studies program.

Professor Mark Mulder

Prof. Mark Mulder, School of Business

If a terminal illness has touched you or a family member or friend, the research team would love for you to contribute your voice and insights to the research study. The team also welcomes those who are involved in the healthcare industry.

For more information about the project and guidelines for study participants, please see the Research page on the Business and Economic History website.

Initiated in 2016, the Benson Summer Research Fellowships are funded by the Benson Family Foundation at Pacific Lutheran University and administered by Michael Halvorson, Benson Family Chair.

The results of research will be presented in the 2018-2019 academic year on campus. Typically, team members also present their findings to the larger community through conferences and other written work.