LUTE Welcome Orientation Guides
New Student Orientation – Lute Welcome Guides welcome and support new students as they transition to PLU. As an LUTE Guide, you have the opportunity to make a first impression on new Lutes as they join the PLU community.
LUTE Welcome Guides are:
- trained and paid student leaders
- committed to creating inclusive communities to support the incoming student experience
- mentors for student groups during LUTE Welcome orientation
- innovative creators of virtual and in person experiences to connect students with peers and create support networks

- Mentor a group of 15-25 incoming students (residential, commuter, transfers and international students)
- Co-facilitate LUTE Welcome sessions with student leaders, staff and/or faculty and connect student to campus services and facilities
- Meet during fall semester with your LUTE group
- Continued connections encouraged with your LUTE group throughout the first year
- Full-time fall status @ PLU (min. of 12 credits/semester)
- PLU Cumulative GPA of 2.5; applicants with a cumulative GPA lower than 2.5, still considered an alternate
- Be in good academic and conduct standing with PLU
- Participate in Guide training, Tuesday-Thursday (week before school begins)
- Participate in all LUTE Welcome activities

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