Inquiries Regarding Student, Staff, Faculty or Campus Facilities

Policies at PLU, including Inquiries Regarding Student, Staff, Faculty or Campus Facilities, are aligned with our mission statement, and our identity as a Lutheran Institution of  Higher Education, and also to adhere to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Our mission and the tenets of Lutheran Higher Education ground PLU and our commitments that prioritize the safety and wellbeing of all members of our community and their related experience of PLU’s  living, learning, and working environments, regardless of identity.  PLU’s commitment is to protect our community members and their information to the greatest extent possible.

General inquiries about what programs are offered at PLU as well as information that is available on the PLU website are acceptable to answer and share. Specific questions regarding departments and facilities should be directed to the respective departments. If a staff member feels the contact was suspicious in nature, contact Campus Safety to provide a description of the individual and the nature of the visit.

PLU is routinely visited by background investigators from various agencies of the government. Many government jobs require a background check, especially when the position is related to law enforcement or military service. These are routine checks to verify prior employment or a student’s educational status and prior conduct.

  • Inquiries about students are directed to the office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (x7462)
  • Inquiries about staff or faculty are directed to Human Resources Department (x7185)

Staff members should not verify the status of the individuals themselves. These offices routinely address these requests and ensure that the appropriate and pertinent information is shared.

Most law enforcement agencies will contact Campus Safety directly for assistance. If an officer/agent comes directly to another office, they should be directed to the Campus Safety Department. The officer/agent can also reach out to the Executive Director for review of the specific request.

It is PLU’s practice  as a private non-profit organization to not allow agents or employees of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), or other federal agencies deputized to carry out immigration enforcement, access to our buildings/ facilities, records or information unless this is required by law or through a valid and verified federal court warrant.   If any federal agents or employees attempt to enter a campus building, they should be directed to Campus Safety for review of their request.  All requests for immigration information will be evaluated by the Executive Director of Campus Safety & Emergency Management who may then consult with the Senior University leadership and PLU’s legal counsel regarding next steps.

If an officer/agent contacts you to discuss an active investigation where you are a witness, victim, or otherwise involved, you do not need to refer them to Campus Safety. You will be speaking to the officer as an individual and not a representative of PLU. If you have questions about your situation, Campus Safety is available for consultation.

Inquiries about individual PLU community members may happen by phone or in person. Our response to these inquiries are consistent and considerate of the privacy and safety of our community members.

For staff and faculty inquiries, staff members will share only the information available on the PLU website. If they are listed on our website staff may provide the office number or contact information if listed. If the member is not on the website but you are aware the person is still a member of the PLU community do not reveal this information. Tell the caller that the person is not listed in our directory. Some community members have their information removed from our website for personal reasons. You should then email the person to make them aware of the inquiry.

If you do not want your information on the PLU webpage, please talk with your department and the IT Help desk. 

Inquiries regarding students are referred to the Office of Student Life (x7200). PLU staff members should not confirm whether a student is active or where they reside even if the caller states they are family or a friend. The Office of Student Life will follow up with the student and pass on the message of the inquiry. It will be up to the student to make contact with the caller.

If the person is reporting a concern about a student they should be referred to Campus Safety for follow up. Campus Safety will not reveal information about the student but will take the information and conduct wellness checks in coordination with Campus Life on students when appropriate.

PLU utilizes contractors and vendors across campus. Construction and other mechanical work is coordinated through Facilities Management. Facilities will provide Construction Alerts to affected areas to provide advanced notice of any disruption to the workplace and the presence of non-PLU individuals.

Contractors and service vendors who are on campus for long durations of time may be issued temporary access cards. This process is coordinated with the Access Administrator and Campus Safety. In these scenarios contractors will come to Campus Safety each day and checkout keys/access cards for the workspace.

These workers are not issued individual visitor passes that are visible on their person. If a PLU staff or faculty member has a concern about the presence of a suspected contractor/vendor they can call Facilities Management (x7380) to confirm that the individuals should be present in the space. For afterhours inquiries contact Campus Safety (x7441).