Campus Lockdown Drill – All PLU Campuses

Alert Type: Emergency

Start Time: Feb 12, 2025 @ 10:04am

End Time: Undetermined

This is site will have updated information regarding in progress incidents as it is available.

Please see below for information on what to do in Campus Lockdown situations:


Campus Safety may initiate a campus-wide emergency lockdown when there is an imminent threat to the PLU community. Occupants may also initiate a lock down to protect themselves from a perceived threat. If you see a threat requiring a lockdown, move to safety first, then call Campus Safety at 7911 from a campus phone or 253-535-7911 from a mobile phone. Some buildings also have blue lock down pull stations that can be activated.

If you see or hear a PLU Alert message indicating a lockdown, do the following:

  • Share the alert message to those in your immediate area. Use judgment about the safety of doing so.
  • Move to a secure area, if it is safe to do so:
    • If you are inside: Move to a secure room such as a classroom or office. Lock or barricade the door, close the window shades, and turn off the lights. Get low on the ground and move to the least visible area of the room.
    • If you are outside: Move away from campus as quickly as possible, stay low, and hide behind natural concealment such as foliage, vehicles, and structures. Be aware that all campus buildings will be locked and your LuteCard will not unlock any doors.
  • Stay calm, quiet, low, and out of sight.
  • Silence your mobile phone and disable vibration alerts.
  • Do not open any doors for any reason until an “all clear” signal is given by PLU Alert or uniformed officers.
  • Do not call Campus Safety or other departments to request information. Important information will be broadcast using PLU Alert.
  • If you have specific information about an ongoing threat, call 911 from a mobile phone or 9911 from a campus phone to inform responding agencies.
  • Do not approach or talk to officers unless they tell you to do so. Officers are highly trained to find and stop the threat before aiding victims.
  • Assess the situation and be prepared to move.
    • Be alert if the fire alarm is activated. It may indicate that there is a fire in the building requiring evacuation. It may also be triggered by an attacker in order to draw a crowd into a target area. Use your best judgment and be ready to move if necessary.

During a lockdown, designated personnel in each building will lock doors that are not controlled by the LuteCard access system. LuteCard access doors will be locked remotely for all cards.




  • Feb 12, 2025 @ 10:07am - Drill has ended
    Please resume normal activities.