253.535.8773 | www.plu.edu/english/ | opdebena@plu.edu |
Nathalie op de Beeck, Ph.D., Director |

20 semester hours, including:
- CHLC 336, ENGL 235
- In addition, three elective courses (12 semester hours selected from the following list):
- ANTH 352
- CLAS 350
- EDUC 205, 385, 429
- ENGL 326, 334
- POLS 345
- PSYC 101, 320, 420
- NORD 241
- SOCW 245, 320
When including at least one substantial project relating to childhood and youth, the following courses may also be used for the minor. Should a student wish to complete one or more of these options as a CHLC elective in a given semester, she/he must receive approval from the course instructor and the CHLC advisor before the end of the semester’s drop/add period:
- ARTD 101, 110, 201, 210
- COMA 301, 401
- MUSI 101
- PPAP 301
- SOCW 287, 387.
Selected internship programs, regularly offered courses taught with a childhood/youth theme, and special topics courses may be included in the minor program with approval of the CHLC advisor and the faculty member teaching the affected course.
Up to two courses (8 semester hours) may be counted toward both a Children’s Literature and Culture minor and another minor or major.
Children's Literature (CHLC) - Undergraduate Courses
CHLC 336 : Childhood Studies - A
Examines representations and perceptions of childhood and youth. Readings and assignments may cover literary texts (the novel, poetry, memoir); other media (theater, cinema, visual arts, music); or areas of cultural expression including religion, philosophy, psychology, etc. Open to all students; required for CHLC minors. (4)