First-Year Experience Program

253.535.7285 fyep@plu.educ
Paul Sutton, Ph.D., Director

The First-Year Experience Program prepares students for successful participating in PLU’s distinctive academic and co-curricular culture by promoting critical thought, impassioned inquiry and effective expression in learning communities that are both supportive and challenging. All first-year students with fewer than 30 transfer credits are required to participate in this program.

As part of the First Year Experience Program, students complete three courses: FYEP 101, FYEP 102, and PLUS 100. FYEP 101 and PLUS 100 are described below. FYEP 102 seminars call on students to engage with themes and questions related to Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability through a disciplinary lens. FYEP 102 courses will be offered as a format for introductory courses within existing departments. They will be visible in the course title as “FYEP 102:” and will be searchable via the Interactive Schedule using the “FYEP Diversity Seminar (FD)” filter.

Course Offerings

FYEP 101 : Writing Seminar - FW

Students will learn strategies for writing, thinking, speaking, and reading. They encounter writing as a way of thinking, of learning, and of discovering and ordering ideas. Working with interdisciplinary themes, students practice the various academic conventions of writing. (4)

PLUS 100 : Transitions to PLU

Specifically designed for first-year students. Affirming students' past experiences, this course assists an individual student's successful navigation of the complex transition to Pacific Lutheran University. Students will identify resources, develop strategies, and hone skills and capacities for college success; including, understanding the roles and responsibilities of university students, faculty, and staff, and alumni/community partners. Community connections, academic support, and personal wellness will be explored within the context of the PLU values of diversity, justice, and sustainability (DJS). Course topics include increasing hope, understanding vocation, appreciating liberal arts, developing metacognition, maximizing campus resources, creating an academic plan, and learning professional communication skills. (1)