Green Event Planning Tips

  • Plan food service needs carefully and avoid unnecessary waste by accurately forecasting the head-count. Use RSVPs or registration to assist in event planning.
  • PLU continues to strive to become a bottled water free campus. Please consider our bulk water option for your event, as this is both environmentally friendly and very cost effective.
  • Eliminate excess food packaging. When possible seek solutions to box lunches, condiments, and packets. Think about using large serving containers.
  • Please note that our to go wares are largely made from recyclable or compostable materials, and that it is advisable to plan for the proper disposal of these items.
  • If serving box lunches, request that they are packaged in recyclable containers. Make sure to think about how your guests will recycle the containers when the event is finished.
  • When possible, offer snacks that are served in bulk (not individually packaged). Trail mix, whole fruit, cheese, crackers, bagels, etc. are all good examples.
  • Serve bite-size or finger foods. These items require no utensils.
  • Selecting a menu that emphasizes fresh, seasonal vegetables (rather than meats) can greatly reduce the carbon footprint of your event.
  • When serving meat one should note that white meat options take less land to farm and produce less methane than red meat options.
  • If adding floral to your event, consider using live, potted plants that can be taken away and planted following the event instead of cut flowers.
  • Provide incentives for attendees to bring reusable items (e.g. mugs, utensils) rather than expect disposable service ware.
  • When possible, serve food buffet style rather than in “box lunch” form.
  • Procure beverages and condiments in resource efficient bulk-packaging (2-Liter, etc.) rather than individual serving packets.

Green Refreshments

  • Avoid bottled water. Provide tap water or use bulk water dispensers and encourage attendees to bring their own reusable bottles.
  • Purchase soda in bulk packaging (2-liter containers) instead of individual bottles.
  • When purchasing beer & wine 208 Garfield supplies you with local winery choices

Why it Matters — One liter of bottled water takes four liters of water to produce and generates unnecessary waste.

Composting & Recycling

  • Use disposable products that are biodegradable or compostable (paper, corn-based, wheat-based, etc.).
  • Use cloth, compostable, or post-consumer-recycled-content napkins.
  • Provide food composting services. To do so at PLU, obtain compost bins by contacting  253-535-7450.