Linus Pauling Medal
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The 2016 Pauling Medal Award Press Release

Nominations are now closed and a Pauling Medal Award winner has been announced.

Nominations are being accepted for the 2016 Linus Pauling Medal Award. This award is sponsored by the Pacific Northwest local American Chemical Society Puget Sound, Oregon, and Portland local sections, and it presented annually in recognition of outstanding achievement in chemistry in the spirit of and honor of Linus Pauling, a native of the Pacific northwest. The medal will be presented at a symposium to be held this fall at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington.

Nominations should include a concise curriculum vitae that lists significant publications, honors, and awards, as well as a summary (400-1000 words) of scientific achievements. This summary should include explanations that clearly outline the importance of the nominee’s work. Letters seconding the nomination are also encouraged.

Nominations from previous years years will be automatically carried over for two years, after which new nominations will be required. Updating past nomination files is encouraged.

Scientists of all nationalities are eligible for the award, however, the award can not be given for work for which the nominee has already received a Nobel Prize. According to Pauling’s express wish, it is preferred that the award honor younger scientists whenever possible.

Please e-mail a single PDF file (25 MB limit) that includes all nomination documents by May 23 to Pauling Medal Award Chair at

(This announcement appeared in the 4/28/16 C&E News issue. )

2016 Pauling Medal Award Committee

Committee Co-chairs: Dr. Dean Waldow (, Dr. Neal Yakelis (

Puget Sound Local ACS Representative: Dr. Sheri Tonn (