Chemistry Endowments and Scholarships
The following are Endowments and Scholarships housed in or related to the Chemistry Department. Please click on the title of a fund for additional information. If you wish to contribute to one of these endowed funds, please visit PLU’s gift page and select College of Natural Sciences Designations (click for more) and then choose Chemistry Department.
The Laurence D. and Bonny M. Huestis Endowment for Faculty/Student Summer Research in Chemistry
The Laurence D. and Bonny M. Huestis Endowment for Faculty/Student Summer Research in Chemistry was established in 2014 to expand opportunities for chemistry majors to do summer research with PLU faculty on current problems that will develop the student as a chemical researcher.
If you would like to donate to the Huestis Endowment, please visit
- Under “Designations” select “Choose one or more areas to direct your gift”
- Scroll until you reach the “Natural Sciences” section
- Select the “Laurence D. and Bonny M. Huestis Endowment” and click “continue”
Donations may also be mailed to Pacific Lutheran University, Office of Advancement, 12180 Park Avenue South, Tacoma, WA 98447.
The Charles Laubach Fund
The Charles Laubach Student Research, Scholarship, and Equipment Fund was established in 1987 by the Laubach family. Interest earnings are designated for undergraduate and faculty research in chemistry, an Analytical Chemistry Scholarship, or for matching funds for equipment purchases. Charles and Ann Laubach and their son and daughter Brian and Lori are alumni of Pacific Lutheran University. Charles passed away in November, 2004

The LeMay Chemistry Student and Faculty Research Fund
H. Eugene LeMay (University of Nevada, Professor Emeritus, PLU ‘62) and wife Carla LeMay (PLU ’64) graciously provide financial support via the LeMay Family Foundation for students and faculty performing chemistry research, especially during summers.
Robert C. Olsen Fund
Alumni grateful for Dr. Robert C. Olsen’s inspiring teaching established the Robert C. Olsen Chemistry Fund in 1974. Income from the fund supports summer undergraduate research students for ten week projects. Many papers have been presented and articles published reporting results obtained with this support. Dr. Olsen joined Dr. Ramstad on the faculty in 1947, taught full-time until 1973 and part-time until 1976.
The Ramstad Scholarship
The Anders and Emma Ramstad Scholarship Fund was established by family, friends and former students to provide scholarship awards to outstanding chemistry students. Dr. Ramstad founded the chemistry department at Pacific Lutheran University, teaching from 1925-1960. Emma began PLU’s work with alumni. The first scholarship was awarded in 1984.
Each spring the Chemistry Department accepts applications for the Ramstad Scholarship. Please download the form that is attached below. Consult the department chair if you have any questions. Applications should be submitted to the Chemistry Department Chair. The annual deadline for applications is 5:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday of March. The recipient will be announced at the Chemistry Banquet in May.
Dr. Fred L. Tobiason Endowment for Faculty/Student Science Research
Established by Chuck and Ann Laubach in honor of Professor Fred L. Tobiason, these funds are included in support provided through the Division of Natural Sciences Undergraduate Research Program. Though retired, Professor Tobiason continues to be involved with the Chemistry Department and PLU in a variety of ways.
The Fred L. and Dorothy A. Tobiason Endowment for Faculty/Student Environmental Research
The Fred L. and Dorothy A. Tobiason Endowment for Faculty/Student Environmental Research was established with a gift from Alice T. Tobiason to honor Fred L. and Dorothy A. Tobiason for their long-time teaching and supporting work at Pacific Lutheran University and for their direct work on environmental issues. Alice, a long-time supporter of education at PLU, was a teacher for nearly 35 years, mostly in South Bend, WA. Research is intended to provide support for projects in the broad meaning of the environment. The projects can range from basic understanding of habitat and ecology to implications of many other earth science, molecular biology, chemistry and engineering problems.

How to Support our Students
Donations are also accepted through PLU’s Office of Advancement (253-535-7177,; please clearly specify the name of the chemistry endowment to which you would like to contribute, or contact the Chemistry Department Chair directly (253-535-7530, You may also send a check payable to Pacific Lutheran University in care of the Chemistry Department Chair. Please clearly specify on the check the name of the fund to which you are contributing. Thank you very much.
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