Interested in nuclear chemistry? Paid ACS summer program!
Interested in learning about nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry? These branches of chemistry have very important applications to energy, the environment, and medicine. The ACS sponsors a Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer Program. If selected, you receive an all-expense paid opportunity to complete a 6 week summer course in Nuclear and Radiochemistry in either California (San Jose) or New York (Stony Brook). You also earn hours (tuition paid) of undergraduate chemistry credit through either San Jose State University or SUNY-Stony Brook. Selected students also receive a stipend of $4,000.
This information and an on-line application form can also be found on the web at:
The deadline for applications is February 1, 2016. Any questions can be sent to David Robertson, National Director of ACS Summer Schools in Nuclear and Radiochemistry
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