NSF REU at University of Southern Mississippi
NSF REU Program Summer 2019
“Polymer Innovation for a Sustainable Future”
School of Polymer Science and Engineering
The University of Southern Mississippi
Details: https://www.usm.edu/polymer/nsf-research-experience-undergraduates-reuThe ten-week REU in Polymer Science and Engineering will be held May 20th – July 26th, 2019. Participants will be engaged in fundamental research projects that span the complex, interdisciplinary facets of materials sustainability, including polymer synthesis from renewable sources, materials with enhanced properties and lifetime, materials to improve utilization of natural resources, reduced energy polymer processes, and biodegradable materials, while gaining the tools to assess the environmental impact of new material development. In addition to their research project, REU participants will participate in short courses in polymer fundamentals, ethics, communication and presentation skills, and graduate school preparation. Field trips to local polymer industries and social activities are planned. REU students present two research updates as well as a final poster presentation. Each REU participant will receive a $5000 stipend, housing, meal allowance, and travel costs are also provided.
Students majoring in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, plastics & composites engineering, or a related field are encouraged to apply. Women, underrepresented minorities, and students from primarily undergraduate institutions are especially encouraged to apply. Participants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.
Application Deadline March 1, 2019.
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