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PhD Program in Biochemistry at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

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October 22, 2020

The PhD Program in Biochemistry at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York is currently recruiting students to join our program in Fall 2021. Here are some highlights:

  • Our PhD students take classes at the Graduate Center building diagonally across the Empire State Building in their first year and then join a research lab at one of the 8 senior campuses of CUNY that are located throughout the 5 boroughs of NYC for their thesis research.
  • Students are mentored by world-class researchers and enjoy access to state of the art facilities and instrumentation at the campuses and in central and collaborative research buildings such as the Advanced Science Research Center or at the Belfer Building that is jointly operated with Weill-Cornell Medical Center.
  • Students receive a guaranteed 5-year, $30,000 per year Science Scholarship, full tuition waiver, and other benefits (health insurance, parental accommodation).
  • Additional fellowship opportunities for students from underrepresented minority backgrounds,
  • The deadline for admissions is January 1, 2021, and GRE scores are optional.

An information event will be held on November 13 at 1 pm EST (register here). During this event, prospective applicants will be able to learn more about the application process and the bench science PhD programs (Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry and Physics) as well as obtain general advice on preparing a competitive application. View the event flyer here.