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Center for the Integration of Modern Optoelectronic Materials on Demand REU

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November 18, 2021

The University of Washington has a new Center for the Integration of Modern Optoelectronic Materials on Demand (IMOD). This NSF funded program is offering paid summer REU positions at UW and at a dozen other institutions around the country.  The focus is on cutting edge optoelectronics and quantum materials synthesis.

Optoelectronic devices that generate, sense, and control light underpin the modern information-technology era. Society is increasingly reliant on such devices for efficient lighting, information display, and optical data transmission. Furthermore, the study of optoelectronics is enabling new technologies ranging from ubiquitous sensors and photorealistic virtual reality displays to quantum-based information technologies that promise to produce exponential increases in computing power and secure communication networks from hacking. Such advances in optoelectronics, in turn, rely increasingly on advances in the synthesis of highly precise materials and the integration of different materials into functional optoelectronic devices and systems. IMOD is developing new classes of optoelectronic materials, devices, and systems with unprecedented functionality based on solution-processed inorganic materials.

Research projects within IMOD labs cover a broad range of disciplines, including chemistry, physics, materials science & engineering, and electrical & computer engineering. Students can choose to work on the theory that drives the development of new photonic materials that will enable quantum computing. Other labs work on integrating these new materials into devices at both the nano- and macro-scale.

Program Dates: Vary by location (UW Program: June 20 – August 19, 2022; a ten-week program between May 30 – August 2022 at other sites)
Application Open: December 17, 2021
Application Deadline: February 7, 2022
Stipend: $6,000 (or $600/week)
Travel & Housing: Non-local students will be provided with a $500 travel allowance, on-campus housing or housing allowance if required, and a food allowance.