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International Research Experience for Undergraduates

A Chemistry Research Program Based in France

Posted by:
January 2, 2025

International Research Experience in FRANCE for Undergraduate Students

The UF/France Research Exchange in Chemistry:  Advancing Diversity Through International Engagement is receiving applications for Summer 2025!

The International Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program is a 11-week full research immersion program based in France.

Participants spend their summer in a research lab in one of the French associated sites:

Université P. Sabatier in Toulouse

UNISTRA in Strasbourg

Sorbonne Université in Paris

AgroParisTech in Reims.

The program provides:

$6000 for food and incidentals

 Housing for free (provided by hosting site)

$1000 travel allowance

 Up to $1000 are provided to travel to the National Meeting of the ACS in Spring 2026

Who should apply: 

Students with interest in any Chemistry related area.

Students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds are encouraged to apply (first in the family college students, community college students, POC, non-traditional students)

Applications submissions accepted through January 20th, 2025.


For more information and the application form, please go to

This program is funded by NSF-Award Number 2244028