Careers In Chemistry!
Would you like to hear real-life stories from real-life chemical scientists? The Royal Society of Chemistry Education recently released an entire page of job profile videos. “A Future In Chemistry” includes interviews of secondary educators, museum & medicinal chemists, forensic toxicologists, chief technology officers and…
The Washington State Environmental Health Association (WSEHA) is pleased to announce the availability of the 2021 Cind M. Treser Memorial Student Scholarship . The scholarship fund will award up to $5,000 in one or more scholarship awards this year. The Cind M. Treser Scholarship program was instituted…
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Lab Day
We would like to let you know about the upcoming Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Lab Day on Friday May, 14 th from 7:45-1:00pm PST. PNNL Lab Day is held every year and is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in the Pacific Northwest…
Summer at Columbia University
Registration for Columbia Summer courses is now open at Columbia University. Explore the full range of multidisciplinary academic opportunities available at Columbia this summer across their two sessions: Session A (May 3–June 18) and Session B (June 28–August 16). Columbia Summer is designed to meet…
PSNS Entry-Level Chemist Job Opportunity
The Analytical Chemistry Branch of the Laboratory Division at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton is advertising an entry-level chemist position available to recent, or soon-to-be, chemistry program graduates. The laboratory team is comprised of 39 enthusiastic and dedicated professionals who support the US Navy…
Graduate Studies In Chemistry
For more information visit: or see the Graduate Studies in Chem – Univ of Idaho Flyer
Now accepting applications for the SUMMER, 3-CREDIT, ALL-OUTDOOR FIELD SCIENCE COURSE with Ecosystem Field Studies! Get in nature, breath fresh air, and enjoy a safe and inspiring field science course in the Colorado Rockies An opportunity to apply your classroom & textbook learning while immersed…
Application Deadline Extended for the MEM-C REU Summer Program!
The application deadline for the Molecular Engineering Materials Center (MEM-C) Research Experience for Undergraduates has been extended to Friday, March 5, 2021. University of Washington’s Molecular Engineering Materials Center (MEM-C) aims to accelerate the development of future energy conversion, information processing, and sensing technologies through…
Application Deadline Extended for the Clean Energy Bridge to Research Program!
The application deadline for the Clean Energy Bridge to Research (CEBR) summer program has been extended to Friday, March 5th, 2021. Clean Energy Bridge to Research (CEBR) is a summer research program sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF 1559787) and facilitated by University of…
ACS Career Events 2021
Three virtual events during three successive Wednesdays. The first is on February 24th. All STEM students (not just chemistry students) of all levels (freshman through senior) will benefit from the events. Event 1: Feb 24 th , 2021 at 5:30-6:30 PM – Dr. Mark Lonergan, “So…
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