University of Delaware REU Opportunity
Science & Engineering Leadership Initiative (SELI) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) The REU program is open to all undergraduate students with disabilities (mobility, sensory, learning, psychological, medical, or other) who are majors in chemistry, biochemistry, or chemistry-related fields. Research experience is not required. Preference will…
Undergraduate Research at Caltech
Caltech is excited to announce two summer research opportunities available to continuing undergraduate students. The WAVE Fellows program provides support for talented undergraduates intent on pursuing a Ph.D. to conduct a 10-week summer research project at Caltech. The WAVE Fellows program aims to foster diversity…
[WCCTA] ACS Puget Sound Section Annual Career Event
You are invited to attend the 16 th Annual Career Event of the ACS Puget Sound Section. Details: Free admission and open to all. Participants MUST register. Space is limited (first come, first served). When: Wednesday, February 19 th , 2020 from 1-5 PM Where:…
You’re invited to the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds Student Open House!
Serving undergraduate and graduate students from various science and engineering departments, the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds is a lab focused on transitioning scientific breakthroughs into innovative products. The instrumentation and tool sets used are focused on enabling successful and efficient cleantech product prototyping and scale-up.…
Scholarships for Graduate Studies at the Institute for Shock Physics
Graduate students from a range of disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Geo/Planetary Science) have a unique opportunity to study the response of materials at extreme conditions with the internationally renowned scientists at Washington State University (WSU). Working within their respective academic departments,…
Applications are open for 2020 Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at Indiana University
Indiana University is now accepting applications for the 2020 Research Experiences for Undergraduates program: Nanoscale Assembly of Molecules and Materials at Indiana University. What’s in it for you? Engage in a 10-week summer research experience A $500/week stipend A travel allowance up to $500 On-campus…
2020 Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Indiana University Bloomington
The Department of Chemistry at Indiana University hosts a summer research program for outstanding undergraduate students. This research experience for undergraduates (REU) encourages students in the chemical sciences to learn more about materials chemistry, nanoscience, and assembly by providing them with the opportunity to conduct…
2020 Fred Hutch Summer Undergraduate Research Program
The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch) hosts a summer internship that is designed to provide biomedical research experience and mentorship for undergraduate students of rising senior status. About the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) The SURP is an intensive, 9-week internship designed to…
The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation is now soliciting applications for scholarships to be given in 2020. Three scholarships will be awarded based upon academic merit, accomplishments in the field, and demonstrated interest; one is reserved for an undergraduate. The scholarship is a cash award of…
2020 SUMR Program @ U of Iowa – Application Open!
The University of Iowa is pleased to announce the launch of the 2020 SUMR (Summer Undergrad MSTP Research) Program competition. Internal Submission Deadline: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Award Cycle: Summer 2020 Description: Summer Undergraduate MSTP Research (SUMR) Program at the University of Iowa The application…
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