The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Internships – Richland, WA
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is a multi-program laboratory operated by Battelle for the US DOE. The Radiological Materials and Detection (RMD) group at PNNL is a world leader in development and testing of materials for immobilization of nuclear and hazardous wastes. Pacific Northwest National…
Callisons Lab Internships – Summer 2017
Callisons is currently seeking candidates for two Internships in our Analytical and Agricultural Innovation departments for this Summer. Interested candidates should e-mail a cover letter and resume to by 5:00pm on Thursday, April 20, 2017 . See the Job Descriptions for these positions via the…
Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) Program – Northern Illinois University
NSF–REU Chemistry and Biochemistry Summer Research Program Program Dates: June 4th – August 12th, 2017 The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is proud to host a National Science Foundation supported Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) program. Application due date: April 7, 2017 . All participants…
Paid Green Chemistry & Engineering Summer Internship – Minnesota
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is now accepting applications for a paid green chemistry & engineering summer internship at a Minnesota company. A recent four-year college degree is required, with a science, technology, engineering, or other technical major, minor, or significant specialty preferred. MPCA…
American Chemical Society (ACS) Scholars Program
ACS awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields. Awards of up to $5,000* are given to qualified students. African American, Hispanic, or American Indian high school seniors or college freshman, sophomores, or juniors pursuing…
Where’s the “energy” in my energy drink?
Where’s the “energy“ in my energy drink? What’s in energy drinks anyway? How do energy drinks affect the human body? How safe are energy drinks to consume? Find out Wednesday, February 8th @ 7:00 PM in the Leraas Auditorium (Rieke 103) Presented by: Erica Fickeisen (Dining…
Summer Research with a Green Emphasis
February 1, 2017 – Application deadline for REU in Environmental/Green Chemistry – Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, South Dakota State University Environmental and Green Chemistry span a chemical continuum from natural to industrial processes. South Dakota State University, Black Hills State University (BHSU), and…
Aquatic Chemical Ecology Research at Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech will be hosting 10 undergraduate researchers this summer at Georgia Tech in their REU program focused in Aquatic Chemical Ecology. The program website includes program details, contact information, and instructions for application. The application deadline is February 15, 2017 . The full-time,…
Summer 2017 Boeing Chemical Technician Internship
Over the course of the 10-12 week internship experience you will have the opportunity to: Work directly with a mentor in your field of study while finding solutions to real world problems Experience our products up close by touring state-of-the-art manufacturing and research facilities Interact…
Careers in Chemistry, Feb 22 at Pacific Regional Lab NW
“Careers in Chemistry” sponsored by the ACS Puget Sound Section (open to all undergraduate science students) Key note speaker: Dr. Dan Rice, Lab Director will speak on An overview of public health programs in the FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) and the role of ORA…
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