Application Deadline Extended for the MEM-C REU Summer Program!
The application deadline for the Molecular Engineering Materials Center (MEM-C) Research Experience for Undergraduates has been extended to Friday, March 5, 2021. University of Washington’s Molecular Engineering Materials Center (MEM-C) aims to accelerate the development of future energy conversion, information processing, and sensing technologies through…
Application Deadline Extended for the Clean Energy Bridge to Research Program!
The application deadline for the Clean Energy Bridge to Research (CEBR) summer program has been extended to Friday, March 5th, 2021. Clean Energy Bridge to Research (CEBR) is a summer research program sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF 1559787) and facilitated by University of…
ACS Career Events 2021
Three virtual events during three successive Wednesdays. The first is on February 24th. All STEM students (not just chemistry students) of all levels (freshman through senior) will benefit from the events. Event 1: Feb 24 th , 2021 at 5:30-6:30 PM – Dr. Mark Lonergan, “So…
DEDICATION FOR 3 GRAVITATIONAL-WAVE ANTENNAS Feb 3rd, 8:30-10:00am (PST ) This international event will be held online on when a prestigious IEEE Milestone in Electrical Engineering and Computing will be dedicated for the massive Gravitational-Wave Antennas in Hanford, WA, Louisiana and Italy. They collectively confirmed…
Upcoming Career Events!
Here are a few upcoming career events! WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATURE VIRTUAL CAREER TREK – Feb 11th, 2:30-4:30pm The Washington State Legislature Virtual Career Trek is hosted by the Alumni & Student Connections Office in collaboration with Colleen Rust, Director of Civic Education at the state…
Project Horseshoe Farm Second Deadline is Approaching!
The Community Health Fellowship is a unique “gap year” opportunity for top recent college graduates from across the country. Since 2009, more than 112 graduates have served as Fellows, and the program continues to grow. This is an opportunity offering high levels of responsibility and…
2021 REU Internship at The University of Akron
We are happy to announce that the polymer summer research experience (REU) program in the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron is open to apply. This competitive REU program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Akron. Students will participate in…
ACS Puget Sound – Awards and Scholarships
Please note TWO opportunities for students in our region to obtain awards/scholarships/grants. 1) $1500 scholarship for 2-year and 4-year students! The scholarships are named after William J. Wasserman and Julia A. Rutherford see the Scholarships Flyer for more info and eligibility requirements, and list of…
College of Pharmacy Northeast Ohio Medical University
Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED for short) in the College of Pharmacy invites you to learn more about opportunities available through their Pharm.D. and combined M.S. / Ph.D. degree programs. Whether you have goals like becoming a healthcare professional or working in applied biomedical research,…
STEM Summer Research with Arcadia Abroad
As a STEM student, we understand that disciplinary focus is often your main priority when selecting the best and most rewarding study abroad experience. We offer a range of exciting summer research projects in five great locations: Australia, Scotland, Ireland, England, and Spain. Program opportunities…
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