UArizona Chemical and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program
The University of Arizona in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering is hosting two upcoming Zoom informational sessions on their graduate programs. See the UArizona CHEE Dept Flyer 2020 for general information about the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program department as well as…
SBU Info Session
The Chemistry Department at Stony Brook University, is hosting a virtual information session for Chem majors that are considering pursuing graduate studies in Chemistry. The event is aimed at juniors and seniors. They are sharing an overview of their Chemistry grad program, how to apply,…
Chemistry Graduate Programs
The Colorado School of Mines Graduate Programs department offers MS (thesis and non-thesis options) and PhD degrees in Chemistry and Applied Chemistry. In addition, MS and PhD degrees are also offered in Geochemistry, Hydrological Sciences and Engineering, Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, and Quantitative Biosciences and…
Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration
Launched in 2017, the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship (DOE NNSA LRGF) provides excellent financial benefits and professional development opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in fields of study that address complex science and engineering problems critical to stewardship…
Scholarships for Graduate Studies at the Institute for Shock Physics
Understanding Materials at Extreme Conditions Graduate students from a range of disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Geo/Planetary Science) have a unique opportunity to study the response of materials at extreme conditions with the internationally renowned scientists at Washington State University (WSU). Working…
Caltech WAVE Fellows Program
Caltech is now accepting applications for our WAVE Fellows undergraduate research program. The WAVE Fellows program provides support for undergraduate students, who are underrepresented in STEM and intent on pursuing a Ph.D., to conduct a 10-week summer research project under the mentorship of Caltech faculty.…
Virtual Career & Internship Fair
The virtual Career & Internship Fair is Wednesday, October 28 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm . This is a great opportunity for ALL students to network with employers about in-person and remote jobs, industry insights, internships, career paths, volunteer positions, and other post-graduate opportunities. Please visit…
PhD Program in Biochemistry at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York
The PhD Program in Biochemistry at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York is currently recruiting students to join our program in Fall 2021. Here are some highlights: Our PhD students take classes at the Graduate Center building diagonally across the Empire…
Lehigh University PhD Student Virtual Open House
Lehigh University Department of Chemistry is holding a Prospective PhD Student Virtual Open House. The event is scheduled for Saturday, November 7th from 10:00am-12:00pm Eastern Standard Time. The Open House will provide an opportunity for your students to meet some of the Department of Chemistry faculty…
UT Southwestern Medical Center (SURF)
Want to learn more about UT Southwestern Medical Center Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)? SURF is one of five research intensive programs offered at UT Southwestern. Complete details can be found at . This website also provides links to: SURF-Stem Cell, Quantitative and Physical…
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