Research Experience for Undergrad Students
The Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2), is establishing a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) designed to provide undergraduate students a chance to participate in industry-directed fundamental research opportunities in the fields of bioplastics and biocomposites. The students will gain hands-on experience with synthesis,…
Minority Science Writers Summer Internship
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Pitts Family Foundation is proud to offer a summer internship program for minority students interested in journalism as a career and who want to learn about science writing. Experience what it’s like to cover…
Current sophomores/juniors: ACS SCI Scholar apps due Nov 30th
If you are currently a sophomore or junior chemistry major with an overall GPA of 3.5+, the ACS has a paid summer industrial internship program called SCI Scholars. It matches you with an industrial partner, pays $6-$10k for a 10-12 week internship, plus you…
Two Lutes fundraising for ACS U.N. Climate Change conference in Marrakech
Current Lute Maddie Smith (’17) and recent alumna Alice Henderson (’16) have been selected for an amazing opportunity this Fall. They are 2 of 8 students selected nationwide (and the only ones from the West Coast) to be delegates representing the American Chemical Society…
Lute Chemists and the PLU Day of Vocation Apr 5th-6th
The PLU Day of Vocation is almost here! PLU Chemists are a big part of it this year! (i) Keynote: Michelle Long , ’85 PLU Regent and chemistry alumna, Tues 4/5, 7 – 8 p.m., Scandinavian Cultural Center Join PLU Regent and alumna Michelle Long…
Paid summer school program in radiochemistry at OSU. Apps due Apr 20th!
Interested in green chemistry/environmental toxicology? Awesome workshop in Portland this June!
Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference is in Portland this June! Details on the student workshop: | | @ACSGCI | #gcande20
Current students & recent grads: Summer job opportunity! Pre-college summer program instructor in Tacoma
From UW-Tacoma: UWT is looking to hire 12 full-time, temporary instructors for the Math-Science-Leadership (MSL) Summer Program at UW Tacoma from June 23rd – August 2nd . MSL is a free program for current 6th – 11th graders, hosted on UW Tacoma’s campus. MSL is designed to…
Chem. Seminar: Joel Baker, Monday, March 14th
Monday, March 14, 2016 12:30 P.M. – 1:35 P.M. Morken 103 THIS JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT EASIER… ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY DURING A MASS SPECTROMETRY REVOLUTION Joel E. Baker Port of Tacoma Chair of Environmental Science, University of Washington, Tacoma Science Director, Center for Urban
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