Ramstad Scholarship Applications Invited 2016
The Chemistry Department invites applications by Wednesday, March 2nd at 5:00 p.m. for the 2016-2017 Ramstad Scholarship. Applications are due to the Chemistry Department Chair by email. A link to the application form and further information can be found in the Ramstad Scholarship section of the…
Analytical chem interns needed at I.P. Callison & Sons in Lacey, WA
From Catherine Maurseth: I.P. Callison & Sons is currently seeking new interns. Attached is a Job Description for the Internship program. Lab Intern Job Description (1) Interviews will be conducted and positions filled on an ongoing basis in all departments (Flavor Development, Flavor Research,…
NSF-REU at Univ. of North Texas reminder
Just got a reminder about the Summer Chemistry REU Program at the University of North Texas in Denton: The Chemistry Department, at the University of North Texas, invites applications for our Summer 2016 NSF-REU Program. The ten-week program will begin on June 6, and…
Challenge Program at ORNL!
Undergraduate students: Interested in a 10 week summer internship at Oak Ridge National Lab? Check out their “Challenge Program for Undergraduates.” The deadline for applying has been extended until Feb. 19th. See their website for more information: http://www.orau.org/ornlchallenge/
ACS Career Day Event: “Careers in Clean Water” on Feb. 17th 1-5 PM in Woodinville
Career Event flyer & agenda (1)
Summer research opportunity at Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln
From Maggie Jobes, Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment: The Summer Research Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers students an excellent opportunity to hone research skills and to experience life as a graduate student. Students will enhance their academic resume, work closely with faculty and…
Marine/environmental chemistry interest? Summer REU in Aquatic Chemical Ecology at Georgia Tech
From Frank Stuart, Co-Director at Georgia Tech: We will be hosting 10 undergraduate researchers this summer at Georgia Tech in our REU program focused in Aquatic Chemical Ecology. We would like to ask for your help in publicizing this program to undergraduates, at Georgia Tech…
ACS International Research Experiences for Undergraduates this summer …
Apply Today for the 2016 ACS International Research Experiences for Undergraduates Deadline January 25 With support from the National Science Foundation, the ACS Office of International Activities is pleased to announce the 2016 IREU application. U.S. undergraduate students in chemistry, chemical engineering or materials sciences…
ACS page for undergraduate research internships
Aside from the PLU, NSF REU, DOE SULI, and NIH summer undergraduate research programs, the American Chemical Society (ACS) has its own directory of internship opportunities both nationally and internationally . Check it out — you never know what you might discover! Hint: Be…
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