Ramstad Scholarship Applications Invited – Deadline March 4th, 2015

The Chemistry Department invites applications by March 4th at 5:00 p.m. for the 2015-2016 Ramstad Scholarship.    Applications are due to the Chemistry Department Chair.  A link to the  application form  and further information can be found in the Ramstad Scholarship section of the Chemistry Department …

2015 Summer Research Mentor Talks – 2/17 (all NSCI) and 2/19 (CHEM)

Faculty mentor talks about summer research in 2015 will be given on Tuesday afternoon from 3-6 p.m. in Leraas Lecture Hall, Rieke Science Center.   Come hear about the projects that will be offered throughout the Division of Natural Sciences, and be sure to apply by…

UT Southwestern Biomedical Sciences Summer Research

University of Texas Southwestern has summer research fellowships in Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Cancer Biology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Systems Biology, and other fields.  $4000 fellowship.  Application deadline is February 9th .

Chemistree Decorating – December 2nd

Mark your calendars for the final Chem Club meeting of the year!! On Tuesday, Dec. 2 at 6pm in Rieke 224 we will be decorating the Chemistree, drinking Hot Cocoa, and finalizing Spring Officer Nominations! Positions including Treasurer, Historian, and Communications will be opening up-…

Mole Day Eve 2014

The PLU Chemistry Department & Chem Club are hosting our annual celebration of  Mole Day  during  National Chemistry Week . Our celebration is Mole Day Eve and is held at 7pm the night before Mole Day and is open to the PLU community. We begin with desserts – including a periodic table of…