TECBio REU at University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce the 10 th  summer for our REU program in computational biology and would hope that you would also be willing to recommend another student(s) for our program this year.  More information and our 2019 program flyer can be…

Nuclear Engineering Science Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS) Program at ORNL

Now accepting applications for spring and summer 2019! Nuclear Engineering Science Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS) Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory   The Nuclear Engineering Science Laboratory Synthesis (NESLS) Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) provides nuclear engineering research opportunities and associated activities for current…

REU-INFEWS Program at Mississippi State

2019 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates at Mississippi State.  Program information: Ten-week program; $5000 student stipend, provided housing, meals and travel Program runs June 3rd to Aug 8th 2019 Research projects on bio-fuels; biochar soil amendment; water purification and biochar surface characterization; for a complete list, see the…

Summer REU at University of Washington

The University of Washington has two Research Experience for Undergraduates programs this summer.  Both programs deal with new energy materials and welcome freshmen and sophomores who have had some chemistry and physics.  Follow the links to learn more, see the program fliers and apply!   Clean Energy…

SURF 2019 At University of Pittsburgh

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce the 2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program (SURF Pitt 2019).  Summer research opportunities are available for up to five female or minority undergraduate students majoring in chemistry who are expected to graduate…

Undergraduate Research at Caltech – Amgen Scholars Program

Caltech’s Amgen Scholars Program is geared towards students in biology, chemistry, and biotechnology fields. Some of these fields include biology, biochemistry, bioengineering, medical engineering, chemical and biomolecular engineering, and chemistry. Eligibility: Students must be current sophomores through non-graduating seniors, must be attending a four-year university in…

Undergraduate Research at Caltech – WAVE Fellows Program

The WAVE Fellows program provides support for talented undergraduates intent on pursuing a Ph.D. to conduct a 10-week summer research project at Caltech.  The WAVE Fellows program aims to foster diversity by increasing the participation of underrepresented students in science and engineering Ph.D. programs and…

Callisons Agricultural Innovation Internship 2018-2019

Callisons is currently seeking candidates for an Internship in our Agricultural Innovation department from December 2018 through May 2019. Interested candidates should e-mail a cover letter and resume to  cmaurseth@callisons.com  as soon as possible. The need to fill this position is urgent, and it will remain open…