Angie Boysen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Phone: 253-535-7596
Office Location: Rieke Science Center - 241
Office Hours: (On Campus) Tue: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (On Campus) Fri: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (On Campus) Mon - Fri: By Appointment
Curriculum Vitae: View my CV
- Professional
- Biography
- Ph.D., University of Washington, 2020
Areas of Emphasis or Expertise
- Analytical Chemistry
- Organic Geochemistry
- Mass Spectrometry Based 'Omics
- Microbial Oceanography
Selected Presentations
- 2022 Marine Microbes Gordon Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference, Multiple choice: the metabolic consequences of nitrogen source switching in Synechococcus, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (May 28 - June 3)
- 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Dissolved organic nitrogen uptake and use by natural microbial communities and model picocyanobacteria, Virtual (February 24 - March 4)
- Dissertations Symposium in Chemical Oceanography XXVII, Marine microbial metabolomics: a journey through time, space, and metabolism, Lihue, HI (October 17-21, 2021)
Selected Articles
- Angela K. Boysen, Katherine R. Heal, Laura T. Carlson, and Anitra E. Ingalls. "Best-Matched Internal Standard Normalization in Liquid Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Applied to Environmental Samples." Analytical Chemistry Vol. 90, 2018: 1363−1369.
- Angela K. Boysen , Bryndan P. Durham , William Kumler , Rebecca S. Key, Katherine R. Heal , Laura T. Carlson, Ryan D. Groussman , E. Virginia Armbrust and Anitra E. Ingalls. "Glycine betaine uptake and metabolism in marine microbial communities." Environmental Microbiology Vol. 24 (5), 2022: 2380–2403.
- Angela K. Boysen, Laura T. Carlson, Bryndan P. Durham, Ryan D. Groussman, Frank O. Aylward, François Ribalet, Katherine R. Heal, Angelicque E. White, Edward F. DeLong, E. Virginia Armbrust, Anitra E. Ingalls. "Particulate Metabolites and Transcripts Reflect Diel Oscillations of Microbial Activity in the Surface Ocean." American Society for Microbilogy Vol. 6, May/June 2021: Issue 3.
Dr. Angie Boysen’s research focuses on understanding the roles that microorganisms play in controlling the ocean biogeochemical cycles. She is broadly interested in how microorganisms adapt to and shape their dynamic environments by producing and using different small molecules (metabolites) and proteins. Dr. Boysen looks forward to continuing her research with PLU undergraduates. Stay tuned for opportunities to join the lab. Read more about Dr. Boysen’s research on her research webpage.
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