Care Network
Dean of Students

WSR Announcements

Wellbeing Services and Resources

Welcome to PLU Wellbeing Services and Resources – your comprehensive support system for university life.  Our focus is to promote holistic wellbeing across various facets of your student experience.  Whether it’s mental and physical health, academic support, or basic needs, our dedicated team stands by your side by providing resources and care.

Our team consists of several offices from across the university, encompassing Health Services, Counseling Services, the Dean of Students Office, the Office of Accessibility and Accommodation, the Center for Military Student Support, and the Student Care Network.  Collaborating effectively with partners within the university and in the broader community, we strive to create a supportive environment that allows each PLU student to thrive.

Meet Sage the Squirrel, your supportive sidekick – click pic to learn more!

Inclement Weather

Our department follows the university’s lead on late openings and/or closures.  If the university is closed, all scheduled appointments during the closure are cancelled.

Wellbeing Survey QR Code
Wellbeing Ecology Survey

Scan QR code or click green pic to complete a brief survey on how your experiences with PLU programs, events, services, or other resources have supported your wellbeing.


Thrive at PLU logoTHRIVE supports students as they flow through various seasons in the semester.  The THRIVE (Transition, Holistic-wellbeing, Retention, Innovation, Vocation, Engagement) webpage is home to organized resources for students all semester long.  Click logo for more info.

WSR Services and Offices

Health Navigators / WSR Interns

Need help finding resources on campus?  Need help connecting with TimelyCare virtual services?  Need help with finding community resources, including health insurance and mental health support?  Come see one of our friendly WSR Health Navigators (Logan, Stephanie, Victoria)!  All Health Navigators and WSR Interns are available to meet with you, listen with care, and connect you with resources.

Walk-ins are always available Monday-Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm, in the WSR building located at the corner of 121st St. and Park Ave.


  • Dean of Students, Accessibility & Accommodations, Title IX Officer, Student Care Network, and Health Services: Corner of 121st St. & Park Ave.
  • Military Support Services: AUC 183
  • PLU Pantry: within AUC 190
  • Counseling Services: AUC 300


  • Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm



PLU Campus Safety – 253-535-7911

MultiCare Consulting Nurse Line – 253-693-7714 (available 24/7)