To the Chambers-Clover Creek watershed Residents,
The Chambers-Clover Creek watershed is a water system of lakes, creeks, and streams in your area. If you are a Parkland, WA resident, you live near a branch of the watershed. For example, Parkland Prairie is a stream located just a few minutes’ walk from Pacific Lutheran University. During my time there I saw the beautiful blue green ducks swimming in the water as I collected data. I also saw the area littered with waste. Such as the white material wrapped around the tree stump, or the tarp and countless other objects on the banks pictured here. Stream
health is an important part of the entire community’s health, to human and non-human residents alike. From the big green trees to the smallest mayfly larva or the rocks embedded in the substrate, each plays a role in stream health.
You can help take care of these ecosystems that serve the community. Take a positive, active role in stream health. It is as simple as going for a walk and taking out the trash. Please, go on a walk here, take a bag and some gardening gloves to pick up trash. See the beauty and the local plants among the trash laden vegetation.
– Dannie Vashchenko