Over the years, many individuals and organizations have contributed to the scientific research and conservation efforts of Clover Creek Watershed. However, with so many different contributors, it can be difficult to find one collective place for all the research that has been done. As a result, compiling a comprehensive list of contributors has been an ongoing effort.
Over the past 25 years, Clover Creek has been the focus of ongoing scientific research and conservation efforts. Through the hard work of many dedicated individuals and organizations, we have been able to deepen our understanding of this vital ecosystem and the threats that it faces.
Despite these efforts, however, Clover Creek still faces many challenges, including habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. It is, therefore, more important than ever that we continue to work together to protect and preserve this vital resource for generations to come.
Our digital exhibit provides a starting point for recognizing some of the key contributors to the research on Clover Creek Watershed, but the list is by no means exhaustive. We acknowledge that many more individuals and organizations have contributed to this important work and we are committed to continuing to update our list as we learn more. Join us in celebrating the many dedicated contributors who have helped to deepen our understanding of this vital ecosystem.

Chambers-Clover Creek Watershed Council
Al Schmauder, Clover Creek Council
Barbara Ann Smolko, Associate Planner, Research/Writer
Bob Dieckmann, Environmental Educator
Charles Douthwaite, Business
Christy Strand and Greg Zentner, City of Tacoma
Don Perry, Pierce County Water Resources
Dr. Willie Joel Smitherman, Education
Erin Hoiland, Puyallup Tribe
Gerald M. Hendricks, P.E.
Gerald Sorensen, Pierce County Cattlemen’s Association
Karen Trueman, GIS Support
Ken Canfield, Pierce County Surface Water Management
Lucy Cerqui, King/Pierce County Farm Bureau
Maridon Danielsen, Support Staff
Marianne Lincoln
Mary Knackstedt, Environmental Educator
Nedda Turner, Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
Paul Nee, Pierce County Conservation District, Chair
Pete Echols, Classic Country Club
Phil Crawford, Fort Lewis
Richard A. Swift, Steilacoom Lake Improvement Club
Roy Huberd, Senior Planner, Project Supervisor
Sandra Melo, Planning Intern
Terri Ranger, Support Staff
Travis Young, Associate Planner, Research/Writer

Tacoma Public Library
Anna Trammell, Archivist

Pierce Conservation District
James Moore, Stream Team Specialist

Pacific Lutheran University
Claire Todd, Associate Professor of Earth Science and Environmental Studies
Dr. Adela Ramos, Associate Professor of English & Chair of Environmental Studies
Dr. Rose McKenney, Professor of Earth Science and Environmental Studies
Dr. Seth Dowland, Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Josh Smith, Digital Preservation Specialist
Students of Environmental Studies at PLU since 1992

Department of Ecology – State of Washington
Donovan Gray, Water Quality Specialist