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The News Tribune continues support of MediaLab

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October 19, 2012

This September, The News Tribune committed to a generous pledge to MediaLab, allowing them to continue to grow both at PLU and within the community. It is the News Tribune’s intent to continue the partnership with MediaLab for the next three years, through the 2014-2015 academic year.

MediaLab’s relationship with the News Tribune began six years ago, when the News Tribune became the first major contributor to the vision, now called MediaLab.

“The News Tribune has been more than MediaLab’s major financial supporter; it has also contributed significantly to the education of our students,” Joanne Lisosky, MediaLab advisor, says. “Our MediaLab students often travel to the News Tribune not as spectators but ‘coworkers’. In return, News Tribune staff members routinely come to campus to serve as classroom collaborators.”

The continued funding from the News Tribune will help MediaLab purchase additional equipment, including video-editing software, as well as providing support for the significant production cost of documentaries.

Over the course of the partnership, MediaLab students have received a variety of opportunities at the Tribune – from shadowing reporters to assisting with annual election night coverage. According to Katie Scaff, MediaLab general manager, MediaLab will gain opportunities to try their hand at writing a variety of feature and breaking news stories throughout the year.

“Our partnership with PLU’s MediaLab has been very successful. Over the years, it has given more than 100 students real-world experience in areas ranging from journalism to public relations, marketing to photography, radio and television broadcasting to business administration and advertising to documentary filmmaking,” writes David Zeeck, president and publisher of the News Tribune. “Even during these challenging economic times, more than 80 percent of MediaLab graduates have garnered offers of full-time employment prior to leaving PLU…It truly is a win-win-win relationship.”

“This additional funding will allow students in MediaLab to participate in incredible new projects and opportunities. With the experiences available at the News Tribune, students will gain impressive and highly useful skills across the entire media spectrum,” Katherine Baumann, MediaLab assistant general manager, says. “That support and confidence in MediaLab’s efforts makes all the difference for the students and faculty involved in the program.”