Results & Photos of Juried Student Art Exhibit 2021
The Department of Art & Design congratulates all students whose art was included in the Juried Student Art Show! The juror, Lauren Boilini , selected a variety of works to be included in the show and called out several for prizes and honorable mentions. Lauren’s…

PLU Student Artists Bound to Impress
Last week, student artists at PLU turned in their two dimensional and three dimensional artworks for inclusion in the Juried Student Art Exhibit. This yearly event happens each fall and focuses on recent work by talented students in any discipline. The juried exhibit is open…

Upcoming Senior Art Exhibition – “Palimpsest: Evidence of the Artist”
Pacific Lutheran University’s soon-to-be Art and Design graduates will be featuring artwork in the upcoming senior exhibition, Palimpsest: Evidence of the Artist , opening April 24th, 2019 in the University Gallery. Art admirers and families are invited to join the artists and faculty for a…

“Last Call” Senior Art Exhibition shows emerging artists’ work
Pacific Lutheran University’s soon-to-be Art and Design graduates will be featuring artwork in the upcoming senior exhibition, “Last Call,” opening April 25 in the University Gallery. Art admirers and families are invited to join the artists and faculty for a free opening reception, April 25th…
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