Steve Sobeck

Visiting Assistant Professor of Art

Steve Sobeck - Resident Instructor of Art & Design

Office Location:Ingram Hall - Room 144A

  • Professional
  • Biography


  • M.F.A., Pacific Lutheran University, 1972

Areas of Emphasis or Expertise

  • Ceramics


  • 2021 Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching


Sobeck is a well-known ceramics artist with a following among students who seek him out and collectors hoping to acquire his distinctive work. He has been throwing pots since he was 16. A graduate of PLU in ’72, his career path has led him through various teaching jobs as well as art and design studios. He returned to PLU to teach in 2000, and many of his students have since moved on to their own creative and teaching careers.

A quote that describes his outlook is in Henry Glassie’s 1999 book The Potter’s Art (Indiana University Press): “It is good to be a potter. At work, the potter manages the transformation of nature, building culture while fulfilling the self, serving society and patching the world together with pieces of clay that connect the past with the present, the useful with the beautiful, the material with the spiritual. The one who can do all that has done enough. The potter has won the right to confidence.”